50 Great Things to Do With $50

Lists like this one seriously annoy me.

They are part of this great wide wonder we call the internet. They pop up in your social media feed and tempt you. And for some indescribable reason you click on them. Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you’re on the toilet reading your phone. Maybe you’re just trying to find one last excuse of a link to click to avoid going back to work. Heck maybe it’s a combination of all three. No judgement, we’ve all been there.

What gets me about these sorts of lists is the sad fact that we are bombarded by this fodder on a daily basis because some poor soul that with a freelance writing gig couldn’t come up with anything better. This unfortunate author (like so many others) typed away at their machine churning out ’50 of the best things to spend $50 on’–or some such variation–and they probably hated themselves for it. They probably felt guilty for the fact that they wasted $150,000 on their B.A. (no judgement–I did the same) in English so they could end up blorching out text that the masses could self-hatingly consume while hiding from their desk in the bathroom.

So in and effort to one-up the sad saps that regurgitate useless nonsense for others to download into their useless-idea-storage-receptacles (brains), here’s a short list of 5 better things to do with your $50.

[One thing first though--seriously, do people really lack of things to do with $50? First world problems, for sure. All of this is with the clear caveat that you wouldn't first give your extra money to any number of humanitarian aid projects desperately in need of funding. Or pay down your soul crushing credit card debt. Obviously.]

1. Give it to Raju (courtesy of Stevil at All Hail the Black Market)

Stories like this one are increasingly visible due to the wonders of the internet. We see more and more about the evils of mankind and then some rare true examples of grace. Give your money here to support Raju. Or go support (or volunteer!) any other local animal rescue organization in your area.

2. Buy something at All Hail the Black Market (that one wasn’t from Stevil, honest)

We’ve met many folks over the years that are able to hold down jobs they otherwise hate, simply because their daily dose of bike blogs keep them sane while enduring the mundane. When you can’t be riding, reading about riding and the lifestyle you love helps a little. And great resources like Stevil help keep that alive. Buy some goods at his site because they look cool and you get the smug sense of accomplishment for supporting something you love. It’s like supporting public radio, but with more Danzig.

3. Buy some new rubber

Face it. You’re putting it off. Go buy some new tires. Seriously. When it starts raining, all that crap that’s been swept into the gutters all summer is going to end up in your bike lane. And you’re going to rue the day you didn’t buy a replacement for that worn down rear tire because you thought it could wait another month. Go get some new tread. You’ll thank me when you’re not standing on the side of the road in the dark trying to reach 60 psi with your minipump. In the rain.

4. Buy beer for your local shop

Give your favorite salesperson or mechanic a little love. They deserve it. They’re there sweating their asses off for you, living what is hardly the dream, simply because they love and believe in what they do. And that my friend, is keeping you rolling on a daily basis. For as appreciative and understanding as you already are (or perhaps just think you are) go the extra step. Drop off some beer (and some good craft sodas for the folks that don’t partake) at your favorite shop just because. It’s like giving your sweetheart flowers for no reason. You feel like a champ and they know that you think about them enough to spend a few ducats on them. The added perk is you’ll probably get to share one with them.

5. Get in line for the new Scofflaw 

Lastly, as it pales in comparison to the many other truly better things you could do with $50, I’d say you could lay down some coin to get in line for the new Scofflaw. Shameless self-plugging aside, this bike has been the toil of some good people for a good while. It’s got all the tricks: a good steel frame, simple singlespeed platform (whilst compatible for gears), and a preponderance for shredding on all terrain. We’ve been anxiously waiting to release this one to the masses and soon enough it will be here.


But the thing is, we need to know who wants them. It will help us bring in the first few bikes, well ahead of the final production delivery later on in 2015. Scofflaws will initially arrive in early 2015. So go secure your place in line and trade in that pesky extra $50.

